Our Materials

Besides the wide range of urban-ethnic designs, we have variations in our materials too. Pick beautiful designs that are made with your preferred materials. Each material serves a common purpose- Bring out your beauty and reflect your personality. 

Now let’s know in detail about the 4 types of materials that we offer

Carat Gold

Whenever you are looking for unique pieces fitted to a tight budget, browse this range. You’ll always get the latest urban designs fitted to your style. If you are a frequent gold buyer and wear gold pieces regularly, buy our 18 Carat Gold collections. It does not wear out or break with any level of strain.

21 Carat Gold

21 Carat Gold collections are special in their purity. It strikes a nice balance between sustainability and fashion. Like each of our ranges, this one will never let you down for variety and uniqueness. And this range fits all budget ranges beautifully! We also use stones and pearls to enhance the aesthetic of our jewelry.

22 Carat Gold

22 carat gold is best for ornament designs. The material is the purest compared to other options. Our 22 carat gold ornaments are apt for regal elegance and sustainable investment. You will find urban-ethnic fusion, on-trend designs, and exclusive pieces catered to your choice. Most of our limited editions are of 22 carat gold material.

Sanatan Gold

Our Sanatan Gild collections are hugely celebrated by the customers. The especially lies in the carefully crafted ethnic designs by the artists. You’ll love our Sanatan collections if you are an admirer of Bangladeshi heritage designs. You can custom-made them by letting us know your liking. And the jewelry will last long even if you wear them on regular basis.